Some of Our Current Clients (2)

TONE Networks Custom Coaching

Planning, facilitating and hosting coaching sessions or leadership development events can be time-consuming and expensive, but TONE offers a turnkey, custom coaching solution to meet your specific business needs. Custom coaching is a great way to create an immersive, collaborative learning opportunity to help underserved communities feel engaged and supported at work.

Our coaching sessions are:

  One-hour, live-streamed events -- on-site, hybrid or virtual

  Tailored to topics and key themes from your employee survey data

   Led by credentialed experts and hosts

   Interactive and engaging by answering questions and encouraging group discussion and role playing

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Comcast, 2023

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Atlanta Braves, 2023

Today's topic was very on point with what we are focusing on at the moment. Both the host and expert were so positive and inspiring. I could listen to them every day.

 - Custom Coaching Attendee

What we do for you: 

  Content creation, including script and discussion questions

  Identifying and securing the expert, host and panelists

  Pre- and post-event marketing, including event communications and graphics

  Pre- and post-production, including direction and streaming

  On-demand replay, event summary and feedback survey